Beyond the Classroom: A Scholar’s Adventure on Simpson Strong-Tie’s Scholarship Trip

Laura Hernandez- Cancelado, a senior at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, pursuing civil engineering, was a recipient of our 2023 Simpson Strong-Tie scholarship. She traces her journey from childhood curiosity to her path into civil engineering. Lara reflects on her scholarship trip visit this summer, highlighting the educational significance of being able to visit our testing lab. She delves into Simpson Strong-Tie’s engineering innovation and the opportunity for networking among professionals and students that the trip provided.

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A Passion to Create and to Preserve — One Engineering Student’s Journey 

Starting a career can be daunting. Luckily, Anthony Hagiu’s current role as a Simpson Strong-Tie Technical Support Representative is helping him create a knowledge base that he can use toward his ambition to become an engineer. Learn more about what inspired him to study engineering and what he hopes to do once he finishes school. 

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Rachel Holland : New Co-Host of The Structural Engineering Channel Podcast

The Structural Engineering Channel Podcast is an invaluable resource for engineers no matter where they are in their career journey. Simpson Strong-Tie is proud to announce our very own US Southwest Engineering Supervisor Rachel Holland has been selected as the next co-host for the well-regarded podcast series. Continue Reading